For today's Scrap My Stash Challenge, I decided to create a Perpetual Planner. I checked my stash and found a Lucky Matchbook Kit from Basic Grey.
This fold out die cut project had enough pages for each month of the year, so it's perfect for my Perpetual Planner. I use my Perpetual Planner as a reminder of those projects I must tackle every year. Many activities occur annually, like yard care, homeowner's dues, taxes, changing the filters, and so much more.
If I don't have a system, I'm not able to stay organized. I am hoping that having this cute little book in a basket on my desk might help me stay organized in 2010. I plan to add projects as I tackle them throughout the year, so the following year, I'll have a better idea of when I need to begin preparing for upcoming events, expenses, projects, etc.
I made a slight change to the design. The book was meant to be held together by brads, but I thought ribbon was much cuter. I distressed the edges and doodled, and sanded off all the little nubs that occurred when I punched out the pieces. I added some buttons and ribbon, and my simple Scrap My Stash Challenge project was complete.
From start to finish, it was about 45 minutes. I like to watch the program Glee, and I was able to finish it while watching. Additional supplies I used: Chocolate Ink (Close To My Heart), Zig Millenium Pen, Foam Dots and Adhesive Tape, and some ribbon and buttons.
Simply Grace
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